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Graduate Innovation Vision and Goals

Graduate Innovation Vision and Goals


Cultivating Applied Creative Convergence Talent


Specializing in Foundational Studies and Leading Interdisciplinary Studies

Momentum | Modernizing Education Innovation and Support Systems

Enabling the next generation of researchersInnovation

  • Blue Scholarship
  • Postgraduate Scholarships
  • FIRE Research Scholars Program
  • PKNU Fellowship
  • BLESS (Graduate Welfare Enhancement) Program
  • RA/TA Scholarship Program

Modernize your graduate application system

  • Hiring new dedicated graduate staff
  • Establishment of the Graduate Innovation Performance Management Committee
  • Building a next-generation research administration integrated management system
  • Homepage redesign

Flexible bachelor's programs

  • Create a graduate common course
  • Create field-based courses
  • Flexible graduation requirements
  • New Interdisciplinary Major


Scaling interdisciplinary outcomes

Propulsion Power | Convergence Research and Field-oriented Industry-Academia Cooperation

Revitalizing Convergence Research

  • 0FTE System
  • BLUE Scholar Conference
  • PKNU Proud Lab
  • PhiNX Program
  • PKNU Peer Mentoring
  • Graduate Student Study Group Program

Hands-on global talent development

  • PKNU Erasmus
  • Global PKNU
  • Native speakers Free talking class
  • 1:1 mentoring for international graduate students
  • Promote joint degrees at home and abroad

Field-oriented academic collaboration

  • Great Leap Project
  • DFC Projects
  • Research Graduate Networking Project
  • Identify industry-academia projects and collaborations